Staff Selection Commission operated under the government of India. SSC CGL commission has attached office of the Department of Personnel and Training which consists of Chairman, two Members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations. His post is equivalent to the level of Additional Secretary to the Government of India. It has its headquarters located at New Delhi. Seven regional offices are there at in present located at Guwahati, Banglore, Chennai, Allahabad, kolkata and Mumbai. It also has two Sub- Regional offices at Raipur and Chandigarh.
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1 | SSC CHSL 02 |
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Alphabetical Order, Analogy or Similarity, Arithmetical Problems, Arrangement of words in order, Blood Relationship, Classification, Code- Decode, Coded Series, Cubes & Dices, Data Sufficiency, Decision Making, Direction Sense, Distance & Direction, Equality & Inequality, Finding the Missing Number, Input -Output, Numerical Symbol Operations, Puzzles, Scheduled Time, Date, Day & Year, Sitting Arrangement, Syllogism, Statement and Conclusions, Symbols and Notations, Venn Diagram, Word Formation
Mathematics :
Algebra, Average, Banker's Discount, Bar Graphs, Boats and Streams, Calendar, Clocks, Compound Proportion, Co-ordinate Geometry, Decimal Fractions, Geometry, Graphic Representation of Straight Lines, Height & Distance, LCM & HCF, Line Graphs, Logarithms, Mensuration & Area, Mixture Alligation, Number Series, Number System, Partnership, Percentage, PIE Chart, Pipe & Cisterns, Premutations & Combinations, Prism & Pyramid, Probability, Problems on Ages, Problems on Trains, Profit, Loss and Discount, Races, Ratio & Proportion, Shares & Dividend, Simple & Compound Interest, Simplification, Square & Cube Root, Surds and Indices, Tabulation (DI), Time & Distance, Time & Work, Trigonometry, True Discount
General English :
Active and Passive Voice, Adjectives (Determiners), Adverbs, Antonyms, Appropriate Words, Cloze Test (Comprehension), Comprehension Passage, Conjunctions, Direct-Indirect, Fill in the Blanks, Idioms and Phrases, Noun, One Word Substitution, Preposition, Pronoun, Rearrangement of Jumble Words in Sentences, Rearrangement of Jumbled Sentences in Paragraphs, Sentence Completion, Sentence Improvement, Spelling Test, Spotting Errors, Synonyms, Tense, Test of Analogy, Word Pairs Having Relationships, Word Utilization Problems
General Knowledge :
Bauddh & Jain Relligion, Books & Authors, Days & Years, Economy, Famous Personalities, Famous Places in India, Geography - India, Geography - Physical, Geography - World, Gupt Samrajya, History - Medieval, History - Modern, Honours & Awards, Indian Culture, Indian Dance & Songs, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Inventions, Mahajanpad Kal and Magadh Samrajya, Maruottar Bharat, Mourya Kal, Mugal Kal, Science & Technology, Sindhu Sabhyata & Ancient History, Sports, Vaidik Culture, World Organisations
General Science :
Science - Biology, Science - Chemistry, Science - Physics , Science - General