SBI Clerk Mock Test Series help candidates to prepare judiciously for the upcoming SBI Clerk Exams. SBI Clerk Test Series is a sure shot way to succeed SBI Clerk Prelims & Mains. Get a free online mock test, analyse your current performance, and improve weak areas Kick start your preparation now. Online Tests based on Latest Pattern & Syllabus are available in Hindi & English.
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1 | Bank Mock 01 |
100+ Total Test (Topic Wise + Subject Wise + Mock Test)
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Coding & Decoding, Blood Relation, Alphabet Series, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Tabulation, Alphanumeric Series, Data Sufficiency, Inequality.
Numerical Aptitude:
Simplification, Number System, Number Series, Percentage, Profit Loss, Average, Ratio & Proportion, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Simple & Compound Interest.
General English:
Reading Comprehension, Common Errors, Error Spotting, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test, Sentence Rearrangement.
General Awareness:
Banking Awareness, Current Affairs from all areas such as: National, International, Sports, Business, Awards etc.
Computer Knowledge:
Basic knowledge of Computer, What are computer, how it works and its history. MS Word, Excel and Power Point chapters.
Really Best quality of test Series. I use its ASM Psycho test series also.