Chandigarh Police has been playing a key role in keeping the city Beautiful and Hassle Free. The city is designed for only 5 ,00,000 people, but today its population is more than limit. Chandigarh Police (CP) has taken many beneficial steps which have been taken in different-different foreign countries as well. The law enforcement agency for the Union Territory of Chandigarh in India is (CP). The Headquarters of Chandigarh police is located at Chandigarh city sector 9 D.
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Alphabetical Order, Analogy or Similarity, Arrangement of words in order, Blood Relationship, Classification, Code- Decode, Coded Series, Data Sufficiency, Decision Making, Direction Sense, Distance & Direction, Equality & Inequality, Finding the Missing Number, Input -Output, Numerical Symbol Operations, Puzzles, Scheduled Time, Date, Day & Year, Sitting Arrangement, Syllogism, Statement and Conclusions, Symbols and Notations, Word Formation
Mathematics :
Algebra, Average, Compound Proportion, Co-ordinate Geometry, Decimal Fractions, Geometry, Height & Distance, LCM & HCF, Line Graphs, Mensuration & Area, Number Series, Number System, Partnership, Percentage, PIE Chart, Problems on Ages, Problems on Trains, Profit, Loss and Discount, Ratio & Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Simplification, Square & Cube Root, Tabulation (DI), Time & Distance, Time & Work, Trigonometry, True Discount
General Knowledge :
Bauddh & Jain Relligion, Books & Authors, Days & Years, Economy, Famous Personalities, Famous Places in India, Geography - India, Geography - Physical, Geography - World, Gupt Samrajya, History - Medieval, History - Modern, Honours & Awards, Indian Culture, Indian Dance & Songs, Indian Economy, Indian Politics, Inventions, Mahajanpad Kal and Magadh Samrajya, Maruottar Bharat, Mourya Kal, Mugal Kal, Science & Technology, Sindhu Sabhyata & Ancient History, Sports, Vaidik Culture, World Organisations
General Science :
Science - Biology, Science - Chemistry, Science - Physics , Science - General